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[대여] AR 3점대 30권 (0026-B22-A03)

AR 3.0~3.4
상품 옵션
북팡(배송후 교환/반품불가)
하단 도서목록 및 이미지 참조
쿠폰1개 = 1BOX 대여료 + 왕복택배비 [추가비용없음]
[비매품] 대여기간 30일
쿠폰결제 이외 대여불가

      총 상품 금액


      (상품금액 원 + 기본옵션 원 )



      AR LevelLexileTitleAuthorAR NoRQ NoILPointFictionRPRVVPLSRatingWordBarcode
      3.0AD490LOlivia Opens a Lemonade StandEinhorn, Kama138362 LG0.5FictionRPRV  3.5950138362-0039
      3.0510Olivia: A Guide to Being a Big SisterShaw, Natalie170851 LG0.5FictionRP   3.5510170851-0009
      3.0RA500L ★Stephanie's PonytailMunsch, Robert N.139492828LG0.5FictionRP   3.571213949-0031
      3.0470LAngela's AirplaneMunsch, Robert N.800222858LG0.5FictionRP   3.56118002-0008
      3.0490L ★Show and TellMunsch, Robert N.803611859LG0.5FictionRPRV  3.57338036-0013
      3.1380L ★The Magic School Bus Gets Ants in Its PantsBeech Linda Ward146312320LG0.5NonfictionRP VP 3.5285814631-0046
      3.1480L ★The Magic School Bus Taking FlightHerman, Gail544968229LG0.5NonfictionRP VP 3.5169554496-0025
      3.1520Dance to the RescueDriscoll, Laura100638 LG0.5FictionRP   3.51140100638-0058
      3.1AD570LOlivia Builds a SnowladyMcDoogle, Farrah162545 LG0.5FictionRP   3.5793162545-0014
      3.1AD600LChristmas with Krabby KlawsDavid, Erica140898 LG0.5FictionRP   3.5859140898-0008
      3.1350L ★The Magic School Bus Wet All OverRelf Patricia151138227LG0.5NonfictionRP VP 3.5293615113-0050
      3.1520The Lost Dinosaur BoneMayer, Mercer13028444823LG0.5FictionRPRV  3.5469130284-0024
      3.1520Barbie: Sleepover Fun!Man-Kong, Mary189878 LG0.5FictionRP   3.5577189878-0020
      3.1520Adventures in Puppy-SittingAuerbach, Annie197789 LG0.5FictionRP   4.01339197789-0025
      3.2AD600LDinner with OliviaSollinger, Emily13478034139LG0.5FictionRPRV  3.5887134780-0084
      3.2450L ★Smelly SocksMunsch, Robert N.7937623627LG0.5FictionRP   3.583979376-0113
      3.2540The Biggest DinosaursBerenstain, Michael7253 LG0.5NonfictionRP VP 3.54517253-0020
      3.3370L ★The Magic School Bus in the Haunted MuseumBeech, Linda1053121913LG0.5NonfictionRPRVVP 3.5206810531-0086
      3.3560Olivia Sells CookiesShaw, Natalie165613 LG0.5FictionRP   3.5932165613-0014
      3.3460L ★The Magic School Bus Ups and DownsMason, Jane B.151126504LG1.0NonfictionRP VP 3.5441015112-0058
      3.3560Just So ThankfulMayer, Mercer10952544829LG0.5FictionRPRV  3.5620109525-0025
      3.3540L ★Boo!Munsch, Robert82636 LG0.5FictionRP   3.592382636-0066
      3.3560L ★The Three Little PigsMarshall, James3052336751LG0.5FictionRP VP 3.5103230523-0040
      3.3AD650L ★Pink or Treat!Kann, Victoria162876 LG0.5FictionRPRV  3.5974162876-0058
      3.3AD580L ★Corduroy's Christmas SurpriseFreeman, Don5978415963LG0.5FictionRP   3.599359784-0107
      3.4570Dora's Fairy-Tale Adventure/Princess
      Dora's Fairy-Tale Land Adventure
      Ricci, Christine8169025488LG0.5FictionRP   3.592481690-0075
      3.4570Diego's Arctic RescueDavid, Erica134092 LG0.5FictionRP   3.51435134092-0006
      3.4570Dora's Easter Bunny AdventurePaz, Veronica149513 LG0.5FictionRP   3.5912149513-0012
      3.4570Despicable Me 2: Undercover Super SpiesMayer, Kirsten158990 LG0.5FictionRP   3.51314158990-0016
      3.4AD780L ★Love You ForeverMunsch, Robert N.80192310LG0.5FictionRPRV  3.57728019-0959


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