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[대여] AR 4점대 30권 (0006-A43-A04)

AR 4.0~4.4
상품 옵션
북팡(배송후 교환/반품불가)
하단 도서목록 및 이미지 참조
쿠폰1개 = 1BOX 대여료 + 왕복택배비 [추가비용없음]
[비매품] 대여기간 30일
쿠폰결제 이외 대여불가

      총 상품 금액


      (상품금액 원 + 기본옵션 원 )



      AR LevelLexileTitleAuthorAR NoRQ NoILPointFictionRPRVVPLSRatingWordBarcode
      4.0720LHappy Birthday, Kirsten!Shaw, Janet501620976MG1.0FictionRP VP 4.077275016-0011
      4.0710LBeyonce: R & B SuperstarLandau, Elaine152729 MG0.5NonfictionRP   3.52314152729-0001
      4.0970LShipsBoon, Kevin35256 LG0.5NonfictionRP   3.527435256-0001
      4.0IG690LYour BodyTurnbull, Stephanie146859 LG0.5NonfictionRP   3.51097146859-0015
      4.1640LA Day in the Life of a Colonial InnkeeperWilmore, Kathy2365 LG0.5NonfictionRP   3.58052365-0001
      4.1670Mammals of the SeaCoupe, Robert36176 LG0.5NonfictionRP   3.597536176-0002
      4.1AD980LA Wish to Be a Christmas TreeMonroe, Colleen14682644274LG0.5FictionRP   3.5744146826-0007
      4.1NC780LHip-Hop GreatsDavids, Stacy B.145269 MG0.5NonfictionRP   3.5597145269-0001
      4.1AD560LLadybugs: Red, Fiery, and BrightPosada, Mia5892611780LG0.5NonfictionRP   3.573558926-0063
      4.1670The ArmadilloElliott, Jane32388 LG0.5NonfictionRP   3.558132388-0005
      4.1610LRapunzelBeck, Jennifer27379 LG0.5FictionRP   3.5114427379-0006
      4.1670The Selfish GiantTraill, Leanna13975 LG0.5FictionRP   3.597813975-0004
      4.1650LBig & LittleEaston, Marilyn160580 LG0.5NonfictionRP   3.51230160580-0006
      4.2IG880LKids During the Age of ExplorationMacGregor, Cynthia26799 LG0.5NonfictionRP   3.582026799-0001
      4.2720L ★Endangered AnimalsStone, Lynn M.5119 LG0.5NonfictionRP VP 3.515875119-0007
      4.2580L ★Little Red Riding Hood: A Newfangled Prairie TaleErnst, Lisa Campbell1824043259LG0.5FictionRP   3.5113218240-0020
      4.2520LAn Enchanted Hair TaleDe Veaux, Alexis76293 LG0.5FictionRP   3.563576293-0004
      4.2660LBetsy Ross and the Creation of the American FlagUrwin, Kirsten178439 MG0.5NonfictionRP   3.01430178439-0001
      4.3800LA Day in the Life of a Colonial SchoolteacherWilmore, Kathy2368 LG0.5NonfictionRP   3.57342368-0001
      4.3700LPolar MammalsBrimner, Larry Dane2060741837LG0.5NonfictionRP   3.5161220607-0002
      4.3650L ★Phoebe the SpyGriffin, Judith Berry2490410166MG1.0FictionRP VP 3.5437624904-0055
      4.3680LPlanets: A LEGO Adventure In the Real WorldArlon, Penelope183318 LG1.0NonfictionRP   3.55665183318-0009
      4.3700That's a Laugh! Four Funny FablesBryan, Philip16038 LG0.5FictionRP   4.0286016038-0003
      4.3700CongressGreene, Carol741235078LG0.5NonfictionRP   3.515927412-0002
      4.4640L ★26 Fairmount AvenueDe Paola, Tomie30629366LG1.0NonfictionRP VPLS3.5673730629-0014
      4.4710I Wonder Why The Wind Blows and
      Other Questions About Our Planet
      Ganeri, Anita75925 LG0.5NonfictionRP   3.5267275925-0005
      4.4RA610L ★One Morning in MaineMcCloskey, Robert75856259LG0.5FictionRP VP 3.526327585-0019
      4.4710LThe Adventures of Spider: West African Folk TalesArkhurst, Joyce Cooper75731622LG1.0FictionRP   3.5588775731-0009
      4.4710Double Trouble: A Folk TaleLawrence, Lucy16033 LG0.5FictionRP   3.5143716033-0005
      4.4NC640LNever Bored on BoardsYurkovic, Diana Short27361 LG0.5FictionRP   3.589027361-0002


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