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[대여] AR 1점대 30권 (0042-C32-A01)

AR 1.5~1.9
상품 옵션
북팡(배송후 교환/반품불가)
하단 도서목록 및 이미지 참조
쿠폰1개 = 1BOX 대여료 + 왕복택배비 [추가비용없음]
[비매품] 대여기간 30일
쿠폰결제 이외 대여불가

      총 상품 금액


      (상품금액 원 + 기본옵션 원 )

      AR Level Lexile Title Author AR No RQ No IL Point Fiction Rating Word Barcode RP RV VP LS
      1.5 230 Messy Dog Hill, Susan 144435   LG 0.5 Fiction 3.5 325 144435-0030 RP RV    
      1.5 200L Just a Baby Bird Mayer, Mercer 186966 40871 LG 0.5 Fiction 3.5 322 186966-0117 RP RV    
      1.5 390L ★ A Tale of Two Sisters Lagonegro, Melissa 162306 31700 LG 0.5 Fiction 3.5 327 162306-0288 RP RV VP  
      1.5 230 Fun with Dick and Jane Scott Foresman Editors 76424 35712 LG 0.5 Fiction 3.5 841 76424-0041 RP      
      1.5 400L ★ Biggety Bat: Hot Diggety Its Biggety! Ingalls Ann 170077 36062 LG 0.5 Fiction 3.5 206 170077-0020 RP RV    
      1.6 RA130L ★ Morris the Moose Wiseman, Bernard 65001 1504 LG 0.5 Fiction 3.5 354 65001-0041 RP RV VP  
      1.6 430L Pete the Cat and the Tip-Top Tree House Dean, James 191038 41961 LG 0.5 Fiction 3.5 273 191038-0246 RP RV    
      1.6 250 Going Bananas Harper, Benjamin 130165 42244 LG 0.5 Fiction 3.5 273 130165-0047 RP      
      1.6 250 Love at First Beep Jordan, Apple 123794 26224 LG 0.5 Fiction 3.5 277 123794-0067 RP      
      1.6 440L The Spooky Cabin Albert, Scott 190103 41439 LG 0.5 Fiction 3.5 208 190103-0044 RP      
      1.6 470L A Cars Christmas Lagonegro, Melissa 132800 27798 LG 0.5 Fiction 3.5 148 132800-0088 RP      
      1.6 250 Me and My Robot #2:
      The Show-and-Tell Show-Off
      West, Tracey 74426 9262 LG 0.5 Fiction 3.5 365 74426-0009 RP      
      1.6 250 Curious George Cleans Up Krensky, Stephen 114244 35698 LG 0.5 Fiction 3.5 224 114244-0028 RP RV    
      1.6 250 This Is Miles Morales West, Alexandra 500352   LG 0.5 Fiction 4.0 149 500352-0072 RP      
      1.6 360L Star Wars Rebels: Zeb to the Rescue Siglain, Michael 170648 36515 LG 0.5 Fiction 3.5 216 170648-0017 RP      
      1.7 300L Vampoodle Holub, Joan 190269   LG 0.5 Fiction 3.5 171 190269-0037 RP      
      1.7 410L Spirits of Nature Bouchard, Natasha 505629   LG 0.5 Fiction 4.0 170 505629-0028 RP      
      1.7 290L ★ Pizza for Sam Labatt, Mary 69332 2523 LG 0.5 Fiction 4.0 464 69332-0023 RP RV    
      1.7 450L A Puppy Tale Harimann, Sierra 160732 45117 LG 0.5 Fiction 3.5 664 160732-0047 RP      
      1.7 AD350L ★ When the Leaf Blew In Metzger, Steve 110853 36796 LG 0.5 Fiction 3.5 187 110853-0052 RP      
      1.7 340L ★ The Magic School Bus Flies from the Nest Cole, Joanna 101300 16341 LG 0.5 Nonfiction 3.5 634 101300-0102 RP RV    
      1.8 490L ★ The Berenstain Bears' Family Reunion Berenstain, Stan 130450 32129 LG 0.5 Fiction 3.5 352 130450-0163 RP RV    
      1.8 290 Gus Explores His World / Gus Dunrea, Olivier 174159   LG 0.5 Fiction 3.5 185 174159-0001 RP      
      1.8 290 Hot Rod Hamster and
      the Haunted Halloween Party
      Lord, Cynthia 175411 41351 LG 0.5 Fiction 3.5 455 175411-0026 RP      
      1.8 350L Get a Hit, Mo! Adler, David A. 180448 42306 LG 0.5 Fiction 3.5 502 180448-0030 RP      
      1.8 400L Curious George Takes a Trip Moscovich Rotem 118887 43937 LG 0.5 Fiction 3.5 368 118887-0062 RP RV    
      1.8 460L Olivia Helps Mother Nature Forte, Lauren 165518 37176 LG 0.5 Fiction 3.5 297 165518-0038 RP      
      1.9 510L ★ Mac and Cheese Weeks, Sarah 141426 26236 LG 0.5 Fiction 3.5 369 141426-0130 RP RV    
      1.9 AD490L ★ Pinkalicious: School Rules! Kann, Victoria 138484 9696 LG 0.5 Fiction 3.5 352 138484-0283 RP RV    
      1.9 510L ★ School Bully, Beware! Ledger, Kate 159686   LG 0.5 Fiction 3.5 698 159686-0011 RP      


      QnA 리스트
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      Item size chart 사이즈 기준표

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