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[대여] AR 1점대 30권 (0024-C43-A01)

AR 1.0~1.4
상품 옵션
북팡(배송후 교환/반품불가)
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쿠폰1개 = 1BOX 대여료 + 왕복택배비 [추가비용없음]
[비매품] 대여기간 30일
쿠폰결제 이외 대여불가

      총 상품 금액


      (상품금액 원 + 기본옵션 원 )

      AR LevelLexileTitleAuthorAR NoRQ NoILPtsFictionRPRVVPLSRatingWordBarcode
      1.0100That Bad, Bad Cat!Masurel, Claire5952424050LG0.5FictionRP   3.520259524-0003
      1.0230L ★Monkey See, Monkey DoRegan, Dana478163795LG0.5FictionRP   3.511447816-0012
      1.0100Let's Jump In!Hood, Susan6926810131LG0.5FictionRP   3.510369268-0010
      1.0320LSammy Sosa: Home Run HitterKirkpatrick, Rob2302 LG0.5NonfictionRPRV  3.51242302-0005
      1.0100Little Critter Sleeps OverMayer, Mercer407313291LG0.5FictionRPRV  3.522240731-0024
      1.0100We LookScott Foresman Editors1695444726LG0.5FictionRPRV  3.5257169544-0026
      1.170L ★What a Hungry Puppy!Herman, Gail1464723352LG0.5FictionRPRV  3.528614647-0015
      1.1130Jump and RunScott Foresman Editors1695424680LG0.5FictionRPRV  3.5311169542-0037
      1.1130Go, Go, GoScott Foresman Editors169541 LG0.5FictionRPRV  3.5319169541-0025
      1.1130The Three Billy GoatsCharlesworth, Liza510546 LG0.5FictionRP   Not yet rated.176510546-0007
      1.1GN220LBenny and Penny in Just Pretend:
      A Toon Book
      Hayes, Geoffrey121598 LG0.5FictionRP   3.5333121598-0001
      1.1130Super Student!Charlesworth, Liza171584 LG0.5FictionRPRV  3.5111171584-0009
      1.210LLucky Goes to School!Herman, Gail5189823948LG0.5FictionRP   3.523951898-0009
      1.2160My Tooth Is Loose!Hood, Susan70500 LG0.5FictionRP   3.522370500-0007
      1.2310L ★RainBauer, Marion Dane7736321921LG0.5NonfictionRP   3.512977363-0037
      1.2370L ★Mice Are NiceGhigna Charles499922294LG0.5FictionRPRV  3.52024999-0134
      1.2160Luke's MuleSchmauss, Judy Kentor106789 LG0.5FictionRP   3.592106789-0003
      1.2160Go Away, SpotScott Foresman Editors76425 LG0.5FictionRP   3.537276425-0019
      1.3180The Berry Big StormBryant, Megan E.69217 LG0.5FictionRP   3.515269217-0011
      1.3180Who Can Help?Scott Foresman Editors764367240LG0.5FictionRP   3.565176436-0025
      1.3180Scaredy-Cat SleepoverHood, Susan7050241805LG0.5FictionRP   3.521470502-0005
      1.3200L ★The Mystery of the Missing DogHooks, Gwendolyn891536358LG0.5FictionRP   3.533989153-0015
      1.3390LCurious George: The Dog ShowPerez Monica11126125389LG0.5FictionRP   3.5236111261-0037
      1.4210Cat ShowHarvey, Jayne68456 LG0.5FictionRPRV  4.032768456-0001
      1.4210Pal and SalHerman, R.A.519031064LG0.5FictionRP   3.525551903-0015
      1.4210We WorkScott Foresman Editors764357290LG0.5FictionRP   3.543076435-0007
      1.4210Toy Story 2: Howdy, Sheriff Woody!Katschke, Judy2491 LG0.5FictionRPRV  3.53162491-0002
      1.4330L ★Presents for SantaZiefert, Harriet54486 LG0.5FictionRP   3.522954486-0012
      1.4210Dizzy's Bird WatchInches, Alison70575 LG0.5FictionRP   3.521770575-0028
      1.4210Don't Hit Me!Ford, Bernette G.89149 LG0.5FictionRP   3.530589149-0010


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