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[대여] AR 1점대 30권 (0018-A33-A01)

AR 1.0~1.4
상품 옵션
북팡(배송후 교환/반품불가)
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쿠폰1개 = 1BOX 대여료 + 왕복택배비 [추가비용없음]
[비매품] 대여기간 30일
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      총 상품 금액


      (상품금액 원 + 기본옵션 원 )

      AR LevelLexileTitleAuthorAR NoRQ NoILPointFictionRPRVVPLSRatingWordBarcode
      1.0330LHow Do We Get to the Moon?Rosen, Robert192610 LG0.5FictionRPRV  3.5115192610-0004
      1.0AD350LChristmas Mice!Roberts, Bethany4292225241LG0.5FictionRP   3.515242922-0070
      1.0330L ★Fox on a BoxCox, Phil Roxbee12334125662LG0.5FictionRP   3.5115123341-0115
      1.0130L ★Sheep in a JeepShaw, Nancy66482717LG0.5FictionRPRV  3.5826648-0061
      1.0240L ★Swing, Swing, SwingTuchman, Gail3170027750LG0.5FictionRPRV  3.59431700-0017
      1.1AD260LThe Ugly DucklingOrihuela, Luz115728 LG0.5FictionRP   3.5124115728-0017
      1.1290LEating Around the WorldMarks, Craig192607 LG0.5FictionRPRV  3.596192607-0043
      1.1410LHairy HunterMacheske, Felicia180428 LG0.5NonfictionRPRV  3.561180428-0039
      1.1240LMy Favorite SportRosen, Robert192713 LG0.5FictionRPRV  3.583192713-0044
      1.140L ★Noisy BreakfastBlonder, Ellen3168532009LG0.5FictionRPRV  3.53331685-0033
      1.1AD130LIt's MineMuñoz, Isabel10697043893LG0.5FictionRPRV  3.5246106970-0033
      1.1430L ★Happy Easter, Biscuit!Capucilli, Alyssa Satin644751541LG0.5FictionRPRV  4.013364475-0040
      1.2290L ★The Class Pet from the Black LagoonThaler, Mike8727011701LG0.5FictionRPRV  3.524987270-0038
      1.2250L ★Valentine Mice!Roberts, Bethany4412520175LG0.5FictionRPRV  3.510044125-0058
      1.2440L ★Clifford's Word BookBridwell, Norman4185217709LG0.5FictionRPRV  3.518041852-0021
      1.2160Swim for It!Greve, Meg160620 LG0.5FictionRPRV  3.586160620-0014
      1.2360L ★Toad Makes a RoadCox, Phil Roxbee12334827072LG0.5FictionRP   3.5184123348-0119
      1.2360L ★Clifford the Big Red DogBridwell Norman605915689LG0.5FictionRPRVVP 3.52366059-0194
      1.2330LWhat I Want to BeAbbott, Victoria192697 LG0.5FictionRPRV  3.5162192697-0028
      1.2380LKatherine JohnsonLoh-Hagan Virginia193562 LG0.5NonfictionRPRV  3.5127193562-0036
      1.3180Good Night, Dora!Ricci, Christine16354625498LG0.5FictionRPRV  3.5215163546-0050
      1.3180Biscuit Visits the DoctorCapucilli, Alyssa Satin12825118824LG0.5FictionRPRV  4.0267128251-0021
      1.3AD230L ★All by MyselfMayer, Mercer720218399LG0.5FictionRPRV  3.51577202-0120
      1.3390L ★What Will I Do If I Cant Tie My Shoe?Kilgras Heidi173599 LG0.5FictionRPRV  3.5194173599-0067
      1.3AD420LThanksgiving Mice!Roberts Bethany5596224729LG0.5FictionRP   3.519655962-0032
      1.31801, 2, 3...By the Sea: A Counting BookMoritz, Dianne156589 LG0.5FictionRP   3.5149156589-0004
      1.4AD280LJulieta Goes to SchoolMuñoz, Isabel112033 LG0.5FictionRP   3.5229112033-0021
      1.4AD480L ★Just Me and My DadMayer, Mercer727617774LG0.5FictionRPRV  3.51607276-0178
      1.4250LFrom Seed to PlantDelta Education Editors78177 LG0.5NonfictionRP   3.521578177-0003
      1.4210Marley Looks for LoveFlood, E.L.143064 LG0.5FictionRP   3.5289143064-0002


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