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[대여] AR 5점대 20권 (0019-A21-A05) Science Comics 사이언스코믹스

AR 3.9~6.2
상품 옵션
북팡(배송후 교환/반품불가)
하단 도서목록 및 이미지 참조
쿠폰1개 = 1BOX 대여료 + 왕복택배비 [추가비용없음]
[비매품] 대여기간 30일
쿠폰결제 이외 대여불가

      총 상품 금액


      (상품금액 원 + 기본옵션 원 )

      시리즈물에는 다양한 레벨 및 소수 Non-Quiz 도서가 포함될 수 있습니다.

      AR LevelLexileTitleAuthorAR NoRQ NoILPointFictionRPRVVPLSRatingWordBarcode
      3.9GN650LBats: Learning to FlyKoch, Falynn Christine187555 MG1.0NonfictionRP   3.59222187555-0010
      4.2GN610LPolar Bears: Survival on the IceViola, Jason199838 MG1.0NonfictionRP   3.56794199838-0010
      4.3GN590LSolar System: Our Place in SpaceMosco, Rosemary500608 MG1.0NonfictionRP   3.59040500608-0010
      4.3700Volcanoes: Fire and LifeChad, Jon501186 MG1.0NonfictionRP   3.57479501186-0010
      4.5GN710LTrees: Kings of the ForestHirsch, Andy197024 MG1.0NonfictionRP   3.58960197024-0011
      4.6GN630LCars: Engines That Move YouZettwoch, Dan507789 MG1.0NonfictionRP   3.09507507789-0010
      4.6GN640LRobots and Drones: Past, Present, and FutureScott, Mairghread196181 MG1.0NonfictionRP   3.56772196181-0010
      4.6730Crows: Genius BirdsVanderklugt, Kyla507566 MG1.0NonfictionRP   4.09095507566-0010
      4.8GN680LPlagues: The Microscopic BattlefieldKoch, Falynn195232 MG1.0NonfictionRP   3.57718195232-0010
      5.1GN820LDogs: From Predator to ProtectorHirsch, Andy191879 MG2.0NonfictionRP   3.510128191879-0010
      5.1GN850LFlying Machines: How the Wright Brothers SoaredWilgus, Alison189671 MG2.0NonfictionRP   3.011044189671-0010
      5.2810Skyscrapers: The Heights of EngineeringKerschbaum, John505949 MG2.0NonfictionRP   3.510816505949-0010
      5.3820Rocks and Minerals: Geology from
      Caverns to the Cosmos
      Hirsch, Andy510453 MG1.0NonfictionRP   Not yet rated.9070510453-0010
      5.4GN760LRockets: Defying GravityDrozd, Anne500607 MG2.0NonfictionRP   3.013392500607-0010
      5.5840Wild Weather: Storms, Meterology, and ClimateReed, MK506307 MG1.0NonfictionRP   3.09515506307-0010
      5.6860Spiders: Worldwide WebsHoward, Tait514858 MG3.0NonfictionRP   Not yet rated.16060514858-0010
      5.7GN840LDinosaurs: Fossils and FeathersReed, MK18141138367MG1.0NonfictionRP   3.58299181411-0010
      5.8GN890LCoral Reefs: Cities of the OceanWicks, Maris181138 MG1.0NonfictionRP   3.08947181138-0010
      6.0GN800LThe Brain: The Ultimate Thinking MachineWoollcott, Tory500705 MG2.0NonfictionRP   3.511542500705-0010
      6.2GN940LSharks: Nature's Perfect HunterFlood, Joe196180 MG1.0NonfictionRP   3.58613196180-0010


      QnA 리스트
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      Item size chart 사이즈 기준표

      ※ 상품사이즈 치수는 재는 방법과 위치에 따라 1~3cm 오차가 있을 수 있습니다.

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