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[대여] AR 1점대 30권 (0048-C52-A01)

AR 1.6~1.7
상품 옵션
북팡(배송후 교환/반품불가)
하단 도서목록 및 이미지 참조
쿠폰1개 = 1BOX 대여료 + 왕복택배비 [추가비용없음]
[비매품] 대여기간 30일
쿠폰결제 이외 대여불가

      총 상품 금액


      (상품금액 원 + 기본옵션 원 )

      AR Level Lexile Title Author AR No RQ No IL Point Fiction Rating Word Barcode RP RV VP LS
      1.6 400L Zeely Zebra deRubertis, Barbara 48036 35788 LG 0.5 Fiction 3.5 325 48036-0015 RP      
      1.6 250 Peppa Pig: Peppa's School Day Rusu, Meredith 183794   LG 0.5 Fiction 3.5 261 183794-0059 RP RV    
      1.6 AD290L Ladybug Girl: I Love You, Bingo Soman, David 193044   LG 0.5 Fiction 3.5 262 193044-0002 RP      
      1.6 RA290L ★ Class Picture Day Buckless, Andrea 41847 1144 LG 0.5 Fiction 3.5 204 41847-0074 RP      
      1.6 250 Dora and the Rainbow Kite Festival Ricci, Christine 120684   LG 0.5 Fiction 3.5 323 120684-0030 RP RV    
      1.6 250 I Love My Papi! Inches, Alison 78464   LG 0.5 Fiction 3.5 181 78464-0037 RP      
      1.6 490L Let's Go Skating! Heller, Alyson 135110   LG 0.5 Fiction 3.5 258 135110-0001 RP RV    
      1.6 250 Diego's Buzzing Bee Adventure Inches, Alison 120683 41962 LG 0.5 Fiction 3.5 370 120683-0019 RP RV    
      1.6 370L ★ Wind Bauer, Marion Dane 72919   LG 0.5 Nonfiction 3.5 174 72919-0024 RP      
      1.6 250 Iron Man Fights Back Macri, Thomas 158423   LG 0.5 Fiction 3.5 259 158423-0010 RP      
      1.6 250 This Is Miles Morales West, Alexandra 500352   LG 0.5 Fiction 4.0 149 500352-0078 RP      
      1.6 250 These are the Avengers West, Alexandra 508321   LG 0.5 Fiction 3.5 169 508321-0061 RP      
      1.6 GN370L Too Many Puppies! Tillworth, Mary 163915   LG 0.5 Fiction 3.5 349 163915-0017 RP      
      1.6 410L Brain Freeze! Bright, J.E. 137784 42026 LG 0.5 Fiction 3.5 177 137784-0036 RP      
      1.6 250 Going Bananas Harper, Benjamin 130165 42244 LG 0.5 Fiction 3.5 273 130165-0057 RP      
      1.7 270 Dora's First Trip Reisner, Molly 129406   LG 0.5 Fiction 3.5 340 129406-0008 RP RV    
      1.7 410L ★ Shoo, Fly Guy! Arnold, Tedd 110407 3987 LG 0.5 Fiction 3.5 330 110407-0291 RP RV VP  
      1.7 430L Stick with Me! Carbone Courtney 199141   LG 0.5 Fiction 4.0 183 199141-0031 RP RV    
      1.7 270 Move Out Jordan, Apple 141797   LG 0.5 Fiction 3.5 325 141797-0035 RP      
      1.7 270 Bubble Trouble! Tillworth, Mary 184218   LG 0.5 Fiction 3.5 210 184218-0010 RP RV    
      1.7 270 Roadwork! Lagonegro, Melissa 122368 30258 LG 0.5 Fiction 3.5 251 122368-0087 RP      
      1.7 390L Speed Lights! Mangual, C. Ines 183803   LG 0.5 Fiction 3.5 208 183803-0016 RP      
      1.7 390L Rubbles Big Wish Depken Kristen L. 187038 44761 LG 0.5 Fiction 3.5 221 187038-0013 RP      
      1.7 270 Chase Is on the Case! Hay, Carolyn 170637   LG 0.5 Fiction 3.5 216 170637-0081 RP      
      1.7 390L King for a Day! Tillworth Mary 183801   LG 0.5 Fiction 3.5 206 183801-0040 RP RV    
      1.7 450L ★ Snow Wonder Ghigna, Charles 126626 44782 LG 0.5 Fiction 3.5 193 126626-0168 RP      
      1.7 380L Winter Wishes! Depken Kristen L. 192306   LG 0.5 Fiction 3.5 235 192306-0023 RP      
      1.7 460L The Perfect Dress Lagonegro, Melissa 137321 14326 LG 0.5 Fiction 3.5 206 137321-0041 RP      
      1.7 410L Spirits of Nature Bouchard, Natasha 505629   LG 0.5 Fiction 4.0 170 505629-0053 RP      
      1.7 270 Ballet Dreams Depken, Kristen L. 156098 38842 LG 0.5 Fiction 3.5 331 156098-0014 RP      


      QnA 리스트
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