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[대여] AR 4점대 20권 (0047-B11-A04) Magic Tree House Fact Tracker 매직트리하우스팩트트래커

AR 4.2~5.3
상품 옵션
북팡(배송후 교환/반품불가)
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[비매품] 대여기간 30일
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  • [대여] AR 4점대 20권 (0047-B11-A04) Magic Tree House Fact Tracker 매직트리하우스팩트트래커

    총 상품 금액


    (상품금액 원 + 기본옵션 원 )

    시리즈물에는 다양한 레벨 및 소수 Non-Quiz 도서가 포함되어 있습니다.

    AR Level Lexile Title Author AR No RQ No IL Point Fiction Rating Word Barcode RP RV VP LS
    4.2 550L ★ Pilgrims: A Nonfiction Companion
    to Thanksgiving on Thursday
    Osborne, Mary Pope 100598 17483 LG 1.0 Nonfiction 3.5 5181 100598-0060 RP   VP  
    4.3 590L ★ Sabertooths and the Ice Age:
    A Nonfiction Companion to Sunset of the Sabertooth
    Osborne, Mary Pope 85874 42689 LG 1.0 Nonfiction 3.5 5803 85874-0062 RP   VP  
    4.4 590L ★ Ancient Greece and the Olympics...
    Hour of the Olympics
    Osborne, Mary Pope 80071 3303 LG 1.0 Nonfiction 3.5 5411 80071-0065 RP   VP  
    4.5 600L ★ American Revolution... Revolutionary War on Wednesday Osborne, Mary Pope 84758 7077 LG 1.0 Nonfiction 3.5 5620 84758-0063 RP   VP  
    4.6 730L ★ Polar Bears and the Arctic:
    A Nonfiction Companion to Polar Bears Past Bedtime
    Osborne, Mary Pope 117741   LG 1.0 Nonfiction 3.5 6312 117741-0063 RP RV VP  
    4.6 700L ★ Penguins and Antarctica:
    A Nonfiction Companion to Eve of the Emperor Penguins
    Osborne, Mary Pope 125560   LG 1.0 Nonfiction 3.5 6698 125560-0060 RP RV VP  
    4.7 720L ★ Sea Monsters: A Nonfiction Companion
    to Dark Day in the Deep Sea
    Osborne, Mary Pope 121640   LG 1.0 Nonfiction 3.5 6669 121640-0059 RP RV VP  
    4.8 800L ★ Rain Forests: A Nonfiction Companion
    to Afternoon on the Amazon
    Osborne, Will 61523 7864 LG 1.0 Nonfiction 3.5 4911 61523-0062 RP   VP  
    4.8 760  Twisters and Other Terrible Storms... Twister on Tuesday Osborne, Will 73016 7365 LG 1.0 Nonfiction 3.5 4975 73016-0063 RP   VP  
    4.9 740L ★ Mummies and Pyramids:
    A Nonfiction Companion to Mummies in the Morning
    Osborne, Will 46468 6387 LG 1.0 Nonfiction 3.5 4640 46468-0064 RP   VP  
    4.9 770L ★ Pirates: A Nonfiction Companion to Pirates Past Noon Osborne, Will 51906 7946 LG 1.0 Nonfiction 3.5 4564 51906-0063 RP   VP  
    4.9 740L ★ Leonardo da Vinci:
    A Nonfiction Companion to Monday with a Mad Genius
    Osborne, Mary Pope 127687   LG 1.0 Nonfiction 3.5 5985 127687-0060 RP RV VP  
    5.0 780L ★ Dinosaurs: A Nonfiction Companion to Dinosaurs Before Dark Osborne, Will 57569 5455 LG 1.0 Nonfiction 3.5 4272 57569-0064 RP   VP  
    5.1 690L ★ Knights and Castles:
    A Nonfiction Companion to The Knight at Dawn
    Osborne, Will 57573 4749 LG 1.0 Nonfiction 3.5 5421 57573-0061 RP   VP  
    5.1 760L ★ Space: A Nonfiction Companion to Midnight on the Moon Osborne, Will 61525 20989 LG 1.0 Nonfiction 3.5 6709 61525-0061 RP   VP  
    5.1 740L ★ Titanic: A Nonfiction Companion to Tonight on the Titanic Osborne, Will 61528 7430 LG 1.0 Nonfiction 3.5 6272 61528-0064 RP   VP  
    5.1 730L ★ Dolphins and Sharks:
    A Nonfiction Companion to Dolphins at Daybreak
    Osborne, Mary Pope 73009 4810 LG 1.0 Nonfiction 3.5 5072 73009-0068 RP   VP  
    5.1 720L ★ Tsunamis and Other Natural Disasters:..to High Tide in Hawaii Osborne, Mary Pope 113588 21002 LG 1.0 Nonfiction 3.5 6212 113588-0064 RP RV VP  
    5.2 750L ★ Ancient Rome And Pompeii:
    A Nonfiction Companion to Vacation Under the Volcano
    Osborne, Mary Pope 106976 7066 LG 1.0 Nonfiction 3.5 6206 106976-0061 RP   VP  
    5.3 820L ★ Ghosts: A Nonfiction Companion to A Good Night for Ghosts Osborne, Mary Pope 131644   LG 1.0 Nonfiction 3.5 6324 131644-0063 RP RV VP  


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